Getting My New Year’s Game on (Part 2)

So, as my previous post stated, one of my New Year’s resolutions is weight loss.  I know, how original.

Another resolution this year is de-junking. I am starting today with clothes. Clothes clutter is awful. It will drag you down, seriously. I have always been intrigued by minimalism, but not much about me resembles it, yet. I confess, I am kind of a minimalist wannabe.  Recently I encountered Courtney Carver’s idea of Project 333 challenge where you pare down to only 33 items of clothing for 3 months.  Well, I had to go count my clothes to see where I stood with this.  I counted 130 items, not counting shoes, work scrubs, underwear, jackets, pajamas, scarves, and 2 drawers full of miscellaneous clothes stuff like workout and hiking clothes, bathing suits, etc.  And I don’t feel like I even have that many clothes.

Before picture:IMG_1404.JPG

I didn’t expect it to take all afternoon. IMG_1405.JPG

Some of the above is husband’s, because he decided to pare down today too.

Below, it may be kind of hard to tell, but I really did get rid of a LOT. Most of the clothes items to the right are scrubs, and therefore don’t count.


So, at the end I decreased my wardrobe significantly, to about 50 items (not counting shoes, work scrubs, underwear, jackets, pajama, and scarves).  I admit it, I am a wimp and I know Courtney Carver would be thinking I am totally a clothes glutton, and would not be so not impressed.  But I feel liberated from a ton of mediocre clothes and our closet is very clean and organized. Win/win for us!

Another resolution I am going to share has to do with reading books.  Last year I embarked on a 2016 reading challenge by Tim Challies that my daughter-in-law Lupe found on the internet.  We both printed copies of the challenge and I kept a log all year long, documenting 20 entire books I read.  That is lamer than I had planned, but still an improvement over the past few years. Here is Challies’ 2017 reading challenge for you to consider.  My own personal goal is to double the number of books I read in 2017, making it 40. By the way, my favorite book for 2016, hands down, was All the Light We Cannot See  by Anthony Doerr.

All of these things are healthy things.

Here’s to weight loss, decluttering, and enjoying lots of good books!

Happy New Year!!!



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