Improving Brain Health

The Correlation of Brain Health & Nutrition

Dr. Terry Wahls in her book called “The Wahls Protocol” reports about The Oregon Brain Aging Study. It was done in 2004 involving 104 adults with the mean age of 87, looking at the effects of various nutrients and anti-nutrients. They analyzed 31 blood levels including such things as antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and essential fats. MRI’s were also done, as well as cognitive ability tests.

It was found that those who had high levels of B vitamins and vitamins C, D, & E had the best brain health. And those with high levels of vitamins A & K & antioxidants showed better ability to think and had increased brain volume.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that those who had high blood levels of trans fat, which is hydrogenated vegetable oil, had smaller, more shriveled brains and performed worse on thinking tasks, thus at greater risk for dementia. Actually, it was thought that they were probably showing signs of it already.

Some sources of trans fat foods are French fries, doughnuts, deep-fried anything pretty much, frozen pizza, microwave popcorn, margarine, and most of the pies, cupcakes, cookies, and candy that you eat.

Incidentally, Dr. Wahls advises 6-9 cups of vegetables and fruit daily, eating a variety of colors, and making sure you include leafy greens; sulfur-rich vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, mushrooms, onions; and brightly colored fruits and vegetables. She admits that this is a lot of food, but the bonus is that it crowds out less desirable foods while providing outstanding nutrients your body will flourish on!

I’m gonna up my game.


2 thoughts on “Improving Brain Health

  1. Great information. Guess I need to be a game changer also. Too much emotional eating with foods/snacks I didn’t realize were trams fat foods, yikes. Thank you.

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