Resolution: Dejunk

Resolution city is occupying space in my brain lately. I always love the new year with its new beginnings.  One of my resolutions this year is to simplify/dejunk/organize more. It is then not surprising that I was intrigued to find a decluttering site: Declutter Your Home In 15 Minutes a Day that just takes around 15 minutes a day to achieve everything you want in life (this is my brain taking extra leaps and bounds). Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to share it with you so you can follow the plan and have gobs of extra time to read my other resolution posts that will be shortly forthcoming.

This site has a 12 month declutter calendar to print for free: I actually started on January 1, but it would not be very difficult for you to catch up as some of the assigned tasks do not take even 15 minutes and some are not even applicable. Like I don’t have a basement, so on basement days I can either rest, catch up, or get ahead. I can sense your interest intensifying. I probably need to admit here that I am sort of an impetuous type; I get all excited, jump in with both feet, then putter out due to something like boredom or realizing that it was a stupid idea.  However, here I am, days later, still excited about dejunking and organizing my home plan, and I can really see myself continuing with it all year, enthusiastically even.

Clutter is stressful. Stress is unhealthy. So resolve to do something about it this year. It will be fun and satisfying.

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