You Are Never Too Old: Exploring Your Possibilities

Live LARGE, Live BIG, Live Awesome!

I like to say that I help people live LARGER, not in size, but rather in scope. It is a big passion of mine to live a BIG life and help other people embrace their life and live it to the fullest, accomplishing the purposes they have been created for. And I do believe that God has created everyone for a purpose and with things to accomplish.

But sometimes, somehow, we become stifled, and just start going through the motions of life. Life can become mundane, boring or uninspiring.

Sometimes we confine ourselves to a box of our own making, or perhaps one that others helped to construct. It can even seem reasonable to us. Mostly we don’t even think about it.

However, you were meant to soar. So in this article I am going to encourage you to spread your wings, break free, and breathe in the air of future possibilities.



Whatever Lights Your Candle or Sizzles Your Bacon

What sounds interesting to you? What do you wish you could learn or do or be good at?

It’s never too late to learn or be good at something.

I am now in the Autumn of my life. I don’t know how many years I have left to live, but let’s just say I have 30 years left. I would have time to become a proficient pianist, an expert on dolphins or Russian folk literature or reversing diabetes. I could master gardening or tai chi or food dehydration. I could become a ping pong champion, become fluent in a foreign language, or even invent something or discover a cure. Or maybe I could write a book or become an artist.

What Others Have Done in Their Older Years

Grandma Moses didn’t start her painting career until she was 78 years old and painted over 1500 canvasses before dying at the age of 101.  Laura Ingalls Wilder didn’t publish her first book until she was 65 years old and finished her last book when she was 76. Asa Long became the oldest checkers champion at age 79. J.R.R. Tolkien published the first book in his “Lord of the Rings” series when he was 62. John Glenn at age 77 was the oldest astronaut to go into space. A woman named Barbara Hillary, a cancer survivor, was the first black woman and one of the oldest people to reach the North Pole; she was age 75.  Dr. Heinz Wenderoth, age 97, was the oldest person to be awarded a doctorate. His dissertation was titled, ““Cell Biological Studies in the Morphology and Physiology of Primitive Marine Placozoons Trichoplax Adhaerens”!

You can check out this to learn about more older accomplishers.


Hiking up Half Dome


Is It Not Just a Vain Pursuit?

Those of you who are the more practical-minded types may push back a little as to why being a checkers champion or making it to the North Pole would be worthy pursuits. I will give you my answer to that, although I must admit that the thought gave me pause and caused me to ponder the issue a bit.

I recently read in a 3/28/19 Biola Lent article written by Barry Krammes, a professor at Biola, that Irenaeus, a 2nd century Christian bishop, wrote, “The glory of God is the human being fully alive”. I like that, and rather agree with the bishop’s assertion. So that is part of my answer: First of all, it is good and pleasing to God when we are fully alive, and finding joy in living.

Secondly, another reason why I don’t think expanding your world is a vain pursuit is because you having more enthusiasm for life has a trickle down effect; others around you are bound to catch it. Zest for life can be contagious. Think of it as possibly doing the world and those around you a service.

Thirdly, you never know how God will use you when you are broadening your world, developing new skills, learning new things, or enjoying a new hobby. And you never know what doors any of these things may open for you or how you or others will benefit from you becoming the chess or checkers champion.

Fourthly, it is good for your brain and will help keep those neurons firing and your mind sharp.

And finally, it is important to your health and well-being to have a purpose.

But please note: I encourage following your dreams, expanding your horizons, and pursuing interests only in a selfless way, always being mindful of its impact on others when you change courses or try new things. I am not tempting you to leave your family, or neglect them so that you can go find yourself or indulge in irresponsible activities. Rather, within the constraints of the life you have been given, I want you to be inspired to live it to your utmost.

And yes, there are worthless pursuits, of course, so you want to avoid them. But you are not aspiring to be the Queen or King of Selfies after all, right?

Start now!

Dream. Explore your options. Consider your longings. What are your interests? Then think further. Let your mind roam. Get out a sheet of paper or your journal or a poster board. Make a list. Decide what sparks the most excitement. Then take action.

Drink from that Silver Cup

I think of that song by America from the 1970’s, The Lonely People, although I would like to change the word “lonely” to “uninspired”.

This is for all the lonely people
Thinking that life has passed them by
Don’t give up until you drink from the silver cup
And ride that highway in the sky

The last verse ends like this:

Don’t give up until you drink from the silver cup
She’ll never take you down or never give you up
You’ll never know until you try

Admission of Guilt

I started on my own thing a few days ago, although nobody knows about it yet. I am waiting until I have a modicum of expertise and awesomeness before I tell my secret. But I am not stopping there with just that one thing! I have a few other interests that I am looking forward to and I know there are a few ideas that will strike me that I haven’t even considered yet.

So, No, You are Not Too Old

I really hope that you will give some strong considerations to exploring new horizons for you to head towards. Remember, “Consistency carves canyons”!, quoting Sachin Patel.

Finish life STRONG!  Embrace it fully.

Please leave a comment with at least one aspiration of yours.  I am curious to know what might be sparking your interests!

If you are interested in reading more articles that I have written on Happiness check out some of the articles below.

Happiness: Initial Thoughts

Increase Your Happiness Level

Happiness is Doing Stuff



8 thoughts on “You Are Never Too Old: Exploring Your Possibilities

  1. This is such an important truth. So important that Dennis Prager wrote a book about it: Happiness is a Serious Problem. Keep up the good work,

  2. This is one of the reasons I’m grateful you’re part of my tribe: you’re always wanting to grow and try new things even though it may be out of your comfort zone. 🙂

  3. Thank you. I know this is an older article, but it is encouraging to me. I went back to college at age 58 and am working on a degree in elementary and special education. I don’t have much support from family or friends, but I’m not giving up. I’m now 61 and over halfway (I’m working and doing part time classes). It’s been very rough going as of late, but God is my strength and He led me to your blog for a much-needed boost today. God bless you.

    1. Robbie, thank you so much for your comment. I am certainly cheering you on in your endeavors. Also I am glad to hear that God used me to encourage you. May the Lord bless you!

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