High Cholesterol: Are Statins the Only Option?

The Cholesterol Dilemma What to do about High Cholesterol! The first thing I recommend is for you to make peace with cholesterol and seek to better understand this friend of yours. Many people unnecessarily avoid egg yolks, shrimp, and red meat due to their cholesterol content. Scores of people take statin medications prescribed by their … Continue reading High Cholesterol: Are Statins the Only Option?

Perfect Health Diet: A Book Review

Perfect Health Diet Eating, food, diets, perfection, and health all fascinate me. So, why wouldn't a book with this title draw my attention?  Add to that, its subtitle: Regain Health and Lose Weight by Eating the Way You Were Meant to Eat. It even has a foreword by Primal/Paleo guru Mark Sisson of marksdailyapple.com and … Continue reading Perfect Health Diet: A Book Review